Carolin Mojavari

Carolin Mojavari


Carolin Mojavari (born 1987 in Sangerhausen) lives and works in Berlin. Her works question the culturally and historically always ambivalent interrelationship between man and nature and its diverse observation. Plastic flowers, crocheted plant motifs or floral patterns, cultivated plants, or technoid, simplified representations of landscapes as well as cartographies as constructs and attempts to appropriate nature, to make it scientifically explainable, to objectify it into a controllable and always available thing, are also the subject of Mojavari's paintings and appear on an equal footing alongside uncontrollable, wildly proliferating images of nature or psychologized landscapes. The large-format landscape works are often depictions of "inner psychedelic landscapes" that are linked to various conceptual considerations of the representation of nature.

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